
Is vgpmx a good investment?

Overall, Vanguard Precious Metals & Mining (VGPMX) is ranked low on Zacks Mutual Fund and, together with its comparatively weak performance, worst downside risk, and lower fees, Vanguard Precious Metals & Mining (VGPMX) seems like a somewhat weak option for investors right now. There you can see more information about the classification process and dive even deeper into VGPMX for additional information. If you are looking for quick information on VGPMX stocks (price chart, key statistics, buy or sell analysis and shares), go to Finny and search for VGPMX. Overall, Vanguard Precious Metals & Mining (VGPMX) is rated neutral on Zacks Mutual Fund and, together with its comparatively weak performance, average downside risk, and lower fees, this fund seems like a somewhat normal option for investors right now.